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Items 0 - 0 of 14
- (2014)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 5/19/2015
- When cynics say there's not a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats, author Jim Marrs not only agrees, he adds: They're related...because they're aliens! In this program, Marrs... more
- (2015)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 9/15/2015
- The wretched deeds of 19th-century maniacs are explored in this documentary about notorious serial killers. Viewers will be chilled by the grotesque stories of cannibal Mark Jefferies, Spanish... more
- (2014)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 11/11/2014
- Since the time of Plato, people have been fascinated by the notion of Atlantis. In this speculative program, the long history of mankind's investigations into that long rumored, now submerged "lost... more
- (2013)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 11/11/2014
- Occult researcher Adrian Gilbert leads curious viewers on a journey through the history of alchemy in this program about the esoteric subject. Reviewing its evolution from the decline of the Roman... more
- (2015)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Special Interest-Space
- Release Date: 9/15/2015
- There are some who believe "we are not alone"...does this program contain the shocking evidence that confirms it? This documentary reviews Americans' growing conviction that aliens (from outer space)... more
- (2014)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 6/23/2015
- You've heard of Jack the Ripper...but do you know the terrifying story of Amelia Dyer? Journey back to 19th-century England as this riveting documentary reveals the dark and disturbing true story of... more
- (2015)
- Features: DVD
- Starring: Various
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 4/14/2015
- Meet the modern-day American motorcyclist in this inspiring documentary! Profiling bikers all across the country, this film follows them on relaxing weekend getaways and demanding cross-country... more
- (2010)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 6/23/2015
- Should there be a "North American Union"? This documentary surveys the controversy over the notion of increased bonds between the United States, Canada, and Mexico by examining the free trade... more
- (2014)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 5/19/2015
- You've heard the reassuring remark many times: "There's no such things as monsters." This speculative documentary might just convince you otherwise! Examining the long history of stories surrounding... more
- (2014)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 5/19/2015
- One of the more infamous revelations about top-secret U.S. government activities is explored in this unsettling documentary about the CIA's "mind control" program, known as MK Ultra. Created after... more
- (2013)
- Features: Colorized
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Special Interest-Us History
- Release Date: 10/14/2014
- Has the question of "who killed Kennedy" been answered to your satisfaction? Does the "lone gunman" theory hold water with you? Or do you believe that a conspiracy took place? This documentary... more
- (2014)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 2/10/2015
- Is the history of America you learned in school the "real" history of the nation? In this speculative documentary, Freemasonic and Illuminati symbols are examined in an effort to prove that the U.S.... more
- (2015)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 7/14/2015
- Was there such a place as Atlantis? Does it still exist? Were the pyramids of Giza arranged to resemble the constellation of Orion...and, if so, why? Who are the "Merry Maidens"? This documentary... more
- (2015)
- Features: DVD
- Studio: Sector 5 Films
- Genre: Documentary
- Release Date: 4/14/2015
- Ever get the feeling that things aren't the way they used to be? Or worse─that you can no longer keep up with the pace of change in society? This fascinating documentary explores the roles that... more