Directed by Will Gluck (EASY A), FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS is a romantic comedy for the 21st century. Starring Justin Timberlake (THE SOCIAL NETWORK), Mila Kunis (BLACK SWAN) and Emma Stone (EASY A), the movie revolves around two young professionals who are too busy for love and enter a no-strings-attached relationship. However, things don't go as planned when emotions get in the way of their FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS agreement. The soundtrack to the upcoming film features fifteen songs from artists including Fitz and the Tantrums, G. Love and the Special Sauce, Steppenwolf, Janelle Monae, Semi sonic and more!
Directed by Will Gluck (EASY A), FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS is a romantic comedy for the 21st century. Starring Justin Timberlake (THE SOCIAL NETWORK), Mila Kunis (BLACK SWAN) and Emma Stone (EASY A), the movie revolves around two young professionals who are too busy for love and enter a no-strings-attached relationship. However, things don't go as planned when emotions get in the way of their FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS agreement. The soundtrack to the upcoming film features fifteen songs from artists including Fitz and the Tantrums, G. Love and the Special Sauce, Steppenwolf, Janelle Monae, Semi sonic and more!