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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Author J.K. Rowling's phenomenally popular books come to life in a marvelous, effects-filled fantasy for all ages. After years of mistreatment by his aunt and uncle, English orphan Harry Potter learns that he's inherited his parents' wizarding abilities. Accepted into the mysterious Hogwarts School, Harry meets his fellow mages-in-training, encounters strange creatures and faces the evil Lord Voldemort. Daniel Radcliffe, Robbie Coltrane, Rupert Grint, Richard Harris, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, and Emma Watson star. 152 min. C/Rtg: PG
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)
The boy wizard is up to his old tricks in this wondrous adaptation of the second Potter book. Despite warnings from an impish "house elf," Harry returns to Hogwarts school, where strange voices emanate from the walls and students are being mysteriously turned to stone. With suspicions focused on him, Harry teams with trusted classmates Ron and Hermione to find the source of the bizarre goings-on. Daniel Radcliffe, Kenneth Branagh, Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith, and Richard Harris star. 161 min. C/Rtg: PG
Richard HarrisMaggie Smith
Robbie Coltrane
Saunders Triplets
Daniel Radcliffe
Fiona Shaw
Harry Melling
Richard Griffiths
Derek Deadman
Ben Borowiecki
Vern Troyer
John Hurt
Richard Bremmer
Rupert Grint
Emma Watson
Alan Rickman
Geraldine Somerville
Harry Taylor
Julie Walters
Bonnie Wright
Chris Rankin
James Phelps
Oliver Phelps
Jean Southern
Matthew Lewis
Tom Felton
Jamie Waylett
Josh Herdman
Devon Murray
Alfred Enoch
Leslie Phillips
Eleanor Columbus
John Cleese
Terence Bayler
Simon Fisher Becker
Nina Young
David Bradley
Zoe Wanamaker
Warwick Davis
Luke Youngblood
Sean Biggerstaff
Elizabeth Spriggs
Danielle Taylor
Leilah Sutherland
Emily Dale
David Holmes
Will Theakston
Scott Fern
Adrian Rawlins
Ray Fearon
Ian Hart
Directors: | David Ellis, Rob, Robert Legato, Chris Columbus |
Studio: | Warner Home Video |
Number of Discs: | 2 |
Release Date: | 6/26/2018 |
Theme: | Harry Potter |
Item #: | 2049100X |
UPC #: | 883929641871 |
Attributes: | 2 Pack, Eco Amaray Case |
Product Type: | DVD |
Street Date: | 6/26/2018 |
Original Language: | ENG |