The Bizarre Truth to Top Secret Experiments in Time Travel and Invisibility. In 1943, a U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone horrifically wrong. The ship vanished and traveled through time, setting off a number of events that continue today, spilling over into the Montauk Project, a continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment. Surviving researchers from the Philadelphia Experiment met in the early 50's intent on continuing their work on manipulating the electromagnetic shielding used to make the USS Eldridge invisible to radar and to the naked eye. The intent was to use a magnetic field as a means of psychological warfare. Initial proposals were rebuffed by the US Congress fearing the dangers of the research. The experiment continued with support from the DOD and funding from a large cache of Nazi gold found in a train by U.S. soldiers in France near the Swiss border. The train was destroyed, and all the soldiers involved in the discovery were killed as part of a cover-up. With funding in place, work allegedly began at a de-commissioned base in Montauk, New York under the name of the Phoenix Project." Discover the science behind experiments involving walk-in implantation, time travel, mind control, invisibility, mind machines used to develop and control paranormal powers and much more. See photographs of the equipment used as well as diagram presentations of their construction. Watch a complete breakdown of the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project from those who were there to witness the events. This true, yet unbelievable, story is one they do NOT want you to know. You will be terrified, shocked and amazed by experiments performed on human beings and the incredible history of the Philadelphia Experiment.