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The Ghost That Never Returns (1930)
Format: Blu-ray Genre: Drama-Classics, Silent Films
The Ghost That Never Returns

The Ghost That Never Returns

Format: Blu-ray Genre: Drama-Classics, Silent Films
List Price: $29.99
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A movie you may never have heard of but, after seeing it, one you will never forget. - The Bioscope The Ghost That Never Returns is an outstanding Soviet film by Abram Room, the director of Bed and Sofa (also available via Flicker Alley MOD). Released to little notice in 1930, it joins other very late silents to show the screen still developing high eloquence after the first talkies stopped silent cinema dead in it's tracks. The story takes place at a South American oilfield where Jose Real (Boris Ferdinandov) is imprisoned for life after attempting to unionize the workers. After ten years, a prisoner is allowed one days liberty to visit his family - a privilege from which no one has ever returned alive, for he is accompanied by a detective instructed to assassinate him. The climax of the film, as Joses parole officer waits in a bar for the clock to strike 7, is no less thrilling than (though, of course, predates) the formalist suspense of classic westerns like High Noon. The most stunning element of The Ghost That Never Returns, though, is the way in which Abram Room, along with his cinematographer Dimitri Feldman, utilizes the camera to express the emotions of the characters. Herman G. Weinberg wrote in 1955: Although The Ghost is replete with cinematic pyrotechnics, these virtuoso effects are not what give the film it's strength and validity. Rather is it the psychological revelation achieved by the most subtle use of long takes in which the director forces the viewer to think with him until he is convinced he has saturated the spectator with characters thought processes. Once outside the prisons walls, for example, Joses experience of every detail - a weed growing from a wall, trash in the wind - is given the utmost attention. When Joses wife learns of his temporary release, she hurtles through the streets telling everyone she sees - the frenetic camerawork vividly communicating her excitement. This is the original silent version with new English titles and a new musical setting by Rodney Sauer (the film was re-released in 1933 in a shortened version with dubbed dialogue and music). Our only available source was a mint 16mm print made for circulation to workers clubs in the early 1930s. Unfortunately, the image quality is well below our usual standard, but we believe that the high quality of the production is worth the compromise. As a bonus we include one of the first experimental Soviet sound films, Pacific 231 (1931), that presents images by Mikhail Tsekhanovsky (book illustrator and film animator) based on Arthur Honeggers music etude which was a spinoff from his score for La Roue. Directed by Abram Room for Sovkino. Scenario: Valentin Turkin, from the novel by Henri Barbusse. Photography: Feldman. 94 minutes.
Studio: Flicker Alley
Release Date: 6/22/2016
Item #: 1732572X
UPC #: 818522014968
Attributes: Manufactured on Demand, Dolby
Product Type: Blu-ray
Rating: NR

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